Many homeowners understand curb appeal is important when preparing your house for sale. The truth is, curb appeal matters whether or not you plan to sell. There are different ways to incorporate trends and update the exterior of your home. Here are a few helpful tips to improve fall curb appeal.

Focus on Tidying Your Landscape

One of the signs that fall is around the corner is when the leaves start to change color. While colorful leaves are beautiful, dead leaves in the yard are unsightly to visitors and prospective homebuyers. To enhance your home’s fall curb appeal, start by pruning and lawn maintenance.

Rake up leaves to keep them off the grass. Remove dying summer annuals in your flower beds and replace them with vibrant species like asters and celosia. Additionally, put a new layer of mulch on beds.

Draw Attention to Your Front Door

The first place a visitor or prospective buyer encounters when entering your home is the front door. Highlight your front door to create a good impression of your home. During the fall, a wreath of flowers or fall foliage will make visitors feel welcome. Another way to make your entrance stand out is by applying a fresh coat of paint on the door.

Clean Out the Gutters

Many homeowners neglect cleaning their gutters until they run into issues like water damage. During the fall, remove leaves and other debris from your gutters. This does not only protect your home from water damage, but it improves your fall curb appeal. Prospective buyers will see this as a sign that your home is well-maintained.

Warm Exterior Lighting to Improve Fall Curb Appeal

Installing soft fixtures like lanterns, Edison-style string lights, and sconces will illuminate your property. If you decorate for any fall holidays, choose warm and inviting decorations.

Don’t Get Rid of Patio Furniture

Many people prefer putting away their patio furniture during the cool weather because they spend less time outdoors. It is better to leave the furniture and update it for cooler weather.

Consider investing in fire pits, tabletop heaters, and throw blankets. This shows potential buyers that they can spend time in your home’s yard all year round.

Clean Up from Summer to Improve Fall Curb Appeal

At the end of summer, properties often have dying flowers, muddy walkways, and charcoal-stained patios. To improve fall curb appeal, you should clean your driveways, sidewalks, and porches.

If any of your furniture has summer stains, clean it with a gentle stain remover. Also, inspect your home for mold, mildew, and other build-up from summer. Your home should look clean and fresh to usher in the cooler weather.

Improving your home’s curb appeal is not a daunting task. These simple activities will maintain your home’s value and upgrade your fall curb appeal.

Assure Inspections Inc. offers home inspections in the Chicago area. Contact us to request an appointment.