As temperatures drop and winter sets in, you want to be sure that your home is ready for the change in weather. When you prepare your home for winter, you’ll stay comfortable throughout the cold months and save money on your energy bills. Below are some tips to prepare your home for winter:

Install a Door Sweep to Prepare Your Home for Winter

To keep drafts from entering your house through an external door, use a door sweep. A sweep is a flexible rubber or plastic mat that is attached to the door’s bottom edge with a strip of aluminum.

Adjust the Temperature on Your Water Heater Tank

Consider lowering your water heater’s temperature as you prepare your home for winter. The most common setting for water heaters is 140 degrees Fahrenheit, which serves as a resting point, but most households only need 120 degrees Fahrenheit to be comfortable.

A lower temperature may also help prevent damage to the pipes by reducing the amount of wear and tear on them. According to the DOE, lowering the temperature by ten degrees Fahrenheit can save you as much as $30 per year.

Get a Home Energy Audit to Prepare Your Home for Winter

Minimize your heating expenses during the winter by scheduling an energy audit to determine where the drafts are in your house before the weather gets cold.

You could get a free, expert home energy assessment from your utility provider, but hiring a professional will give you more specific information. They’ll report on a number of ways to minimize your energy usage and help prepare your home for winter.

Prevent Ice Dams from Forming

When there is a large difference in temperature between the roof and the eaves, ice dams develop. They usually necessitate expert help to fix. Icicles on your roof might indicate ice dams, which can peel shingles off your roof, compromise gutters, and cause water damage to your property.

If you’re experiencing ice dams, a weatherization expert can assist you in fixing the underlying problems by adding insulation and ventilation where required. Taking care of your roof is essential when you prepare your home for winter.

Bring the Outdoors In

If you haven’t already done so, move all outside furniture and appliances, such as grills and lawnmowers, into your garage or shed before the winter. Don’t forget to switch off all sprinkler systems and drain and disconnect any garden hoses.

Check for Drafts in the Window and Door Seals

Because seals deteriorate with time and allow warm air to escape and cold air to sneak in, this will force your heating system to work harder and cost you more money.

Hold a candle near windows and doors to check for drafts. You’ve discovered a draft if the flame flickers. Air leaks are prevented by weather stripping, which can save you money on your energy bills during winter.

Get Rid of the Debris in Your Gutters and Drains

Winter precipitation can wreak havoc on downpipes and drainage systems in your house. Cleaning out your gutters is a good way to prevent blockages and prepare your home for winter.

When trees shed their leaves in the fall, decaying leaves accumulate in your gutters. They can obstruct your downpipes and lead to long-term roofing damage and flooding problems if you leave them there.

Get Your Chimney and Fireplace Inspected to Prepare Your Home for Winter

Clogged chimneys are a major hazard to your home. They can result in both house fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. A yearly inspection and chimney cleaning is an expense that could potentially save your life, so make it a priority.

Prepare your home for winter by making sure that your chimney flue is in good working condition, so you don’t get drafts when the fireplace isn’t in use.

Assure Inspections Inc.s provides home inspections to the Chicago metropolitan area.  Contact us to schedule our services.